Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Nalchik/Agency Caucasus - President Arsen Kanokov of Kabardino-Balkaria said last week in his annual address in Parliament that the republic benefited greatly in all fields of activities from the year 2007.

The government, Parliament, non-governmental organizations and the private sector have all worked jointly to enable the nation to develop continuously, said Kanokov: "Although a serious management of the taxation, along with a better adjustment of the balance between expenditure and income, has greatly contributed to the economy, there is now more to be done to improve the efficiency of economic activities. It is only through a powerful system of economy that the nation may profit more from larger amounts of income and suffer less from smallar debts. And this requires us to modernize our industry as soon as possible."

Agricultural development required establishment of a new system of administration that would specify how to use the land, said Kanokov, and added that his administration would continue to place the primary emphasis on the battle against poverty and unemployment while extending the chances for social aid and housing.

Kanokov went on to say that his administration would need to set up a new way of handling the religious issues in order to fight radicalism and establish national stability. His government's priority was to combat bribery, said Kanokov and added that a new special programme was being prepared to handle the issue of bribery in the next two years.
Of the parliamentary elections to be held late this year, Kanokov underlined the need to establish a multiparty system of politics to underpin the democratic social values.

Non-governmental organizations have had a larger impact on society than ever before "because they formed what is called the Civil Council of Consultation," Kanokov said.
The president vowed before he ended his address not to allow anybody, regardless of their slogas and of their ideologies, to disturb the stability of the nation.


If 2007 is a great year in all field, why did the last economic study of the northwest caucuses show Kabardino-Balakria with a 70% unemployment rate. (I will provide citation soon)

Monday, July 14, 2008

Mikhail Leontiev Is One Of Putin's Propaganda Tools

Mikhail Leontiev Is One Of Putin's Propaganda Tools
Magic words and/or phrases would divert the truth and eventually commit the terrible misdeed of misleading of the misguided and ill-advised narrow-minded audience (in some cases the citizens), because the "propagandists are specialists in selling attitudes and opinions", which automatically create victims, because if the people are not intellectually competent, it would distract and sidetracks facts, which will eventually affect the fate of the propaganda believers who would be fooled by those who present the misinformation, which is provided most of the time with half-truth.
Putin and his junta, after they were deputized by the KGB/FSB high command and elite staff, to take over the state authorities, had appointed themselves the fascist rulers, which they turned out to be, had already chosen and selected their potential enemies, who are in their opinion all those who would not accept dictatorship and autocracy. Since those developments and since Putin’s introduction by KGB/FSB to take over the Russian government then to reside at the Kremlin, he had in mind the Stalin way of accomplishing missions, which he successfully achieved.
The Russian state that started to be run by FSB, had started to use the Russian "Propaganda Machine" and the state owned media that belongs to the Russian government, which got the largest resources for the direct propaganda against the opposition, human rights organizations and activists, the independent media and journalists, and all occupied nations that are still colonized by the so-called Russian Federation.
Independent media was dealt with in a way that most of it was either overtaken by the FSB controlled government or closed down, and journalists were harassed, assassinated or chased and perused. Human rights organizations were not allowed to work freely anymore and the activists were hassled and annoyed. In the same manner, all occupied nations were not respected, and most of their citizens had lost the constitutional rights to elect their representatives and so-called presidents, because they became under the direct control of the Kremlin and its associates!
A dear sister had sent me very important, but striking information, that will be mentioned in the following lines, which gives an idea of some of the evil acts that the occupying devils of the North Caucasus are doing to be deep-rooted and well-established in the Circassian occupied land.
An example of Putin’s acquaintances is Mikhail Leontiev who had turned out to be one of the strongest propaganda weapons/tools of Putin's Russia, and he is used against Putin's most hazardous and encompass dangers, according to their imperial list of all those who oppose the Russian "Russist" colonial policies of oppression, tyranny, domination, and subjugation.
Mikhail Leontiev seems to be the indirect spokesperson and agent who speaks on behalf of Putin in the subjects that the FSB run government intends to engage in, regarding the propaganda against the individuals and nations that they want to target as enemy of Russian “Russists”.
The Russian government did not yet learn a lesson from all committed crimes of genocide, ethnic cleansing, destruction, total occupation and forced exile against Circassia and the Circassian Nation, but now, the Circassian Nation had fallen again as a victim of the Russian lies and propaganda weapon of Putin’s “Russist” Russia, which can be seen on “youtube”, and was performed by the number 1 propagandist, Mikhail Leontiev, which got the largest support of media resources for the direct propaganda against Circassians.
The falsification and forgery even reached the Circassian past and present, by the Russian tricky writers and Websites, that showed the ways and means of deception that they follow to steal and confiscate everything, even the heritage and history.
It seems that the occupiers had given the green light to their Cossack mercenaries and colonial settlers to celebrate 90- years’ anniversary of Cossack military troops located in Maykop, Circassia. Those are the grandchildren of the criminals who killed their Circassian forefathers and who are ready to kill the Circassians' grandchildren with the first command from the Kremlin!
Furthermore, the Kremlin, and through the FSB, and its spies and agents are planning to hold a conference about the “Circassian Language and Culture” in Amman, Jordan, with the Russian Embassy’s guardianship and patronage, and was mentioned originally in an article in “The Adiga Psatha” newspaper in Circassian Language, which was published in 27/05/2008; but the conference was postponed few times now, and the new expected date is set to be in October of this year! Is that the only thing left for Russia to do in regard to paying back and compensating for all atrocities, genocide and crimes that were committed against Circassians and made them deportees in more than 40 countries of the world? Are Russians concerned about Circassian language and culture after 140 years of forced exile and deportation for more than 90% of the Circassian population? Is that going to be a "Culture and Language Conference" or is it a political performance that is covered with a culture and language issues? Circumstances prove that it is going to be the famous "Kiss of Death” that Russians are trying to offer to Circassians? Guilt lies only with the abusers…
If Russia is serious and honest about solving out the problems that were created by Tsarist Russia and kept growing as a snow-ball until the present time, then the implementation of the international law, de-colonization and the right of all nations in self-determination are due!
What else would Stalin execute?
Elbert Hubbard said: “Every tyrant who has lived has believed in freedom-for himself”, and Thomas Jefferson had said: “Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God”.
Justice For North Caucasus Group

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Caucasian youth see future as bleak

Nalchik/Agency Caucasus - A recent survey has revealed that the youth of North Caucasus tend to paint a bleak future and regard unemployment, corruption and bribery as the most important three problems to be dealt with primarily.

The Scientific Centre of the Academy of Sciences of South Russia is the institution based in Rostov-On-Don that surveyed the young people's attitudes towards and beliefs about what went wrong socially in countries like Dagestan, Krasnodar, Karachai-Cherkessia and Stavropol. Marina Shulga, an official from the Centre, made public in Nalchik the results of the survey.

The young people surveyed created a list of the most urgent social problems that ran as follows: Unemployment, corruption, bribery, high rates of inflation as well as taxes, a rise in criminal acts, bad means of transportation, drug addiction and alcoholism, low standards of housing as well as public services, bad health care, terrorism, immigration, international strains, bad system of education, environmental problems, cultural as well as moral degeneration.

Asked whether they were happy with their financial status or not, 44.2 percent of the young people of Dagestan, 47.9 percent of Krasnodar, 51.5 percent of Karachai-Cherkessia, and 61.2 percent of Stavropol replied negatively.

The survey has also revealed findings that suggest a useful insight into the following areas of concern among the young people of North Caucasus:

CONFIDENCE IN THE FUTURE: The percentage of young people with a sense of certainty about their future is 22.3 percent in Dagestan, 26.5 percent in Krasnodar-Krai, 12.4 percent in Karachai-Cherkessia and 16 percent in Stavropol.

The percentage of young people that suffer from a sense of insecurity about their future chances of success is 49.3 percent in Dagestan, 44.4 percent in Krasnodar-Krai, 59.6 percent in Karachai-Cherkessia and 50.8 percent in Stavropol.

The overall percentage of those who don't feel secure about their future is 47.5 percent. The percentage of those who don't feel certain about their future at all is 14.8 percent in Dagestan, 11.7 percent in Krasnodar-Krai, 14.6 percent in Karachai-Cherkessia and 20.4 percent in Stavropol.

The young people in the 18-24 age group tend to take an optimistic attitude of their own kind that they will be able to improve their financial status in the future. The percentage of these people is 67.7 percent in Dagestan, 60.4 percent in Krasnodar, 50 percent in Karachai-Cherkessia and 37.8 percent in Stavropol.

THE SENSE OF BELONGING TO RUSSIA THROUGH CITIZENSHIP: The percentage of those who feel that they are Russian citizens is 53 percent in Dagestan, 64.5 percent in Krasnodar-Krai, 53.3 percent in Karachai-Cherkessia and 64.5 percent in Stavropol. The percentage of those who think that they show the regional characteristics of where they are is 25.1 percent in Dagestan, 14.3 percent in Krasnodar-Krai, 13.3 percent in Karachai-Cherkessia and 10.4 percent in Stavropol.

NATIONALISM: The percentage of those who feel proud of their nationality is 80.6 percent in Dagestan, 79 percent in Krasnodar-Krai, 85.4 percent in Karachai-Cherkessia and 78.6 percent in Stavropol.

MARRIAGE: The percentage of those who do not approve of international marriages is 22.7 percent in Dagestan, 24.1 percent in Krasnodar-Krai, 13.6 percent in Karachai-Cherkessia and 28 percent in Stavropol.

LIVING IN ONE'S OWN COUNTRY: The percentage of those who believe that people should live in their own country is 28.4 percent in Dagestan, 33.6 percent in Krasnodar-Krai, 20.5 percent in Karachai-Cherkessia and 34.1 percent in Stavropol.

SENSITIVITY TOWARDS FOREIGN LANGUAGE: The percentage of those who feel strained when they hear somebody speak a foreign language is 23.9 percent in Dagestan, 36.9 percent in Krasnodar-Krain, 28.4 percent in Karachai-Cherkessia and 43.6 percent in Stavropol.

RIGHTS AND LIBERTIES: The percentage of those who think that their rights and liberties are securely warranted is 13.7 percent in Dagestan, 7.2 percent in Krasnodar, 7.4 percent in Karachai-Cherkessia and 3.9 percent in Stavropol. The young people surveyed created a list of the things to be done to safeguard the rights and liberties: strengthening the effect of law at both state and social levels, safeguarding state institutions against bribery and corruption, enculturation of the laws at both public and administrative levels, successful fulfillment of the legislative proceedings and helping to expand civil movements set up to defend human rights.

SECURITY: The percentage of the young people who view it as the real threat that faces Russia's security to suffer from economic instability and terrorism is 40.8 percent, to be unable to stop a growing divide between the rich and the poor 34.9 percent, to be negatively influenced by the international conflicts 32.9 percent, to be trapped in a political struggle for power 28.1 percent and to face the growing danger of outbreaks of violence across North Caucasus 22.8 percent.


Friday, July 11, 2008

Maykop to celebrate 90 year anniversary of Cossak Military Troop

In Adyghe, plans have been approved to celebrate the 90 year anniversary of a Cossack Kuban military brigade which was stationed in Maykop, Adigheya. Activities are planned to take place on July 19th.

"- The celebration of this anniversary must become the memory measure, noted Aslan [Tkhakushinov]. - It is necessary to do everything for the attraction of attention and illumination of this holiday in the media, to thoroughly think over the plan of taking measures, to fasten critical for the method and arrangement of guests, to think over all measures for the safe conducting of celebrations."

The organizing committee consists of the prime ministry of the republic, and will be carried out the forces of the republic, subdivisions of the brigade, World War II veterans, and youth patriotic committees. The event pushes to support lessons of courage for schoolboys in the school camps of Maykop.

The event will take place in the reception hall of the government house of the president of Adygheya. They also plan to commemorate the lives of killed soldiers by placing garland on the memorials, which were killed in protection of the "fatherland."

"131 individual powered rifle brigade is found on the territory Of [adygei]; therefore we must not forget about the fact that we, as masters, answer for the worthy conducting of these celebrations. We must consider together with the management of brigade, totaled of session [Murat] Of [kumpilov] all unexpectedly appearing questions."


According to history, the Cossack Kuban brigade was the primary force against Circassian "resistance" during the Russo-Circassia War. [Henze, North Caucasus Barrier] That being stated, are Circassians celebrating Cossack great grandfathers murdering Circassians ancestors?

To date, Kuban brigade still is a primary force in the Northwest Caucasus under command of the Kremlin. If any uprising, or instance of threat, the brigade would be one of the first to respond, and "extinguish" the threat. Is this something to celebrate?

How does protecting the "fatherland" involve invading circassia? Circassia is no son of Russia.


Thursday, July 10, 2008


Circassia, also known as Cherkessia in Russian, is a region in Caucasia. Historically it comprised the southern half of the current Krasnodar Territory and most of the interior of the current Stavropol Territory, but now only refers to a portion of the Karachay-Cherkessia Republic, Adyghe Republic and Kabardino-Balkaria Republic of the Russian Federation.

The historical region is named after the traditional inhabitants, the Circassians (they prefer Adyghe or Adiga), who now make up only a small minority of the population of the area. A larger population is in the tiny Republic of Adygea of the Russian Federation which is entirely surrounded by Krasnodar Krai.

The Circassian diaspora is a community of people (and their descendants) who were expelled from the historical Circassia in the late 19th Century after a series of uprisings against Russian Imperial rule. They are found in various areas of the old Ottoman Empire. There are also large communities in Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Kosovo (until they were repatriated in 1998, after receiving threats from the ethnic Albanian Kosovo Liberation Army[1]), Egypt (Circassians were part of the Mamluk armies), Israel (in the villages of Kfar Kama and Rehaniya, since 1880) and as far afield as Upstate New York and New Jersey in the United States.

Map of the future of Circassia?